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Alios provides a fully engineered, technically advanced, highly monitored and automated plc controlled system.


Our system is highly automated and monitored utilising a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system and common control room for all processes: automated teleremote low input pressure hydromining; modularised tailings re-processing and waste disposal to automated binderless pelletisation.

It all starts with our unique HydroMiner 150. Full teleremote, GPS enabled and carrying the world’s best barrel and nozzle. This superior barrel and nozzle engineering, design and production has resulted in lower input pressures required to achieve the same results.


The two-part assembly of the straight stream nozzle and the flow straightener is the key to maximising efficiency. This system is designed to eliminate radial flow swirl preventing premature breakup of the water stream, maximising the effect of the available energy.


The use of these engineered nozzles and barrels has allowed Alios to use an input pressure of 1,200 kPa. The efficient engineering of the barrell and nozzle minimises energy loss to less than 20kpa delivering an Effective Mining Range (EMR) of up to 100m with an outlet pressure of 1180 kPa so all mining water can be delivered by welded HDPE piping. Manual handling of steel pipes has been eliminated from Alios sites.


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Then we have an engineered mine plan, converted to GPS files and loaded onto the GPS enabled HydroMiner 150. Mining begins with automated programmable logic controller (plc) controlled Variable Voltage, Variable Frequency (VVVF) pump drives to ensure volumetric and density balance; level sensors and automated level control coupled with plc controlled actuated inching valves; real-time automated slurry density monitoring and adjustment; automated recirculation systems; shaft torque monitoring and correction; vibration monitoring; auto-sampling of feed, product and waste streams.


We control the entire process to ensure the best yield, production, preventative maintenance interventions and economic outcomes.

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